
2004-02-24 Tue

长城上的幽灵与恋人(part 1)

Lucien van Valen

The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest structures build by mankind in ancient times. It was build with the intention to keep strangers out of China. This Wall however was not stretching from one end of the country to the other, as people tend to think, but consisted of many shorter walls that originated in the Walled cities in the early history of China. Rulers kept adding new sections to it during the ages till it finally reached its greatest lengths in the seventeenth century. Although this huge construction was the inspirational source for many stories inside as well as outside China, it seems to bring forth only few visual works of Art. This stirred my interest in two contemporary works based on the Great Wall. In this presentation I will compare the two works of art, one is Chinese and the other is European and both are made in China.

The Great Wall 长城
Here you see the Great Wall as people know it all over the world. A gigantic brick Wall with battlements and towers. This is the section people visit when they are in China, the section that is largely renovated in the last twenty years or so, partly financed by foreign capital. It is only a small stretch of the Wall that looks like this as I will show you in the next series of slides.

The Lovers 情人

1988年3月30日,两位欧洲艺术家开始了他们在长城上的行走。每个人从长城的一端开始,以期在中途相遇。Marina Abramovic和Ulay两位艺术家为了名为“Relations”(关系)的一系列行为艺术活动,在一起合作已超过10年。他们在演示中以多种不同的方式发掘着他们之间的关系。在长城上行走的想法产生于80年代早期,他们自1981年已经开始为此做工作了――他们花了很多时间去找资金,没完没了的和中国人商谈,才被允许在长城上行走。
On March 30, 1988 two European artists started out on a walk along the Wall. Each starting on one side with the intention of meeting each other halfway. Marina Abramovic and Ulay have been working together for more than a decade on art performances in a series called Relations. In the performances they explore the relation between them in many different ways. The idea of the Great Wall walk has been born somewhere in the early eighties and they have already been working on it since 1981. It took a lot of time to find the funding and endless talks with the Chinese to get permission for the walk.

Marina from the East and Ulay from the West
Marina自东向西 Ulay从西向东

Marina Abramovic自位于黄海(勘:应为渤海)之滨的山海关出发,开始了她的行走。这一段城墙被称作“老龙头”,她从东往西走。Ulay自西边的戈壁沙漠向东开始他的旅程。Ulay在他的日记中写道:“北部一片死寂/沙漠无休无止/地平线已呈弯曲/正与眼球的形状相配/南边仍有生机/仅仅是一点/这儿的人比别处少的多/大地是黄色的,黄土/北面是黑色的/南边是红色/西边是白色的/东边,蓝色/在这儿/中心地带/黄色/我所在的中心地带/黄土漫漫。”
Marina Abramovic starts her walk at Shanhaiguan at the coast of the Yellow sea. This part of the Wall is called the dragon's head, and she is walking from East to West. Ulay starts in the Gobi desert walking towards the East. A citation from Ulays diary:" North is death. Desert expands. The horizon curves. Matches the eyeball. South there is life. A little. Fewer people than other places, here. The earth is yellow. Huang tu. North is black. South is red. West is white. East, blue. From here. The centre. Yellow. The centre where I am. Yellow thus."

The purpose 目的

It will take them almost 3 month to complete the journey and to meet each other at Er Lang Shan. Afterwards they want to show the results of this performance or action art as you might call it in an exhibition. A video and photographs are made, diaries are kept and so on. In their diaries are sometimes bits and pieces of the stories they pick up along the way which are used to explain their own feelings. Often during this endless walk both experience feelings of loneliness or being overwhelmed by the greatness of the scenery.


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